Good Farm Management help reduce Poultry Farm Production Cost

Name: Md. Milon; Address: North Keshobpur, Joduboira, Kumarkhali, Kushtia. Background and previous situation of Milon.

Md. Milon (27), a broiler farmer lives in NorthKeshobpur village of Kumarkhali Upazila. Hehas been running his farm for five years. He did not have clear idea about farm registration, withdrawal period of antibiotics, licensed poultry feed before 2018. He ran his poultry farm on credit facility from feed dealers as he didn’t have enough money to continue his farm business. Milon used all medicine and vaccine according to feed dealers and pharmaceutical company representativesadvice that have the overdosing and over use of medicine that turned to increased production cost

Turning point to change the situation

On February 2018 Md. Milon participated in a meeting organized by BeezBistar Foundation (BBF) under their Food Safety (FS) project with local poultry farmers community. On the meeting Milon had the scope to meet with Upazila Livestock Officer and many other farmers from his village. From Upozila Livestock Office (ULO) discussion on the meeting he learnt that the local Department of Livestock Services (DLS) officials have the facility to provide technical services along with supply of two most important vaccines called BCRDV and Gumboro in a very reduced price. He was informed in the meeting that the local DLS has the power to provide farm registration as well to stop the farm by the law enforcement.

Present situation: Changes and benefits

After participation of meeting Milon has been continuing his communication with upazila livestock office along with upazila consumer committee. He participated in many events organized by BBF in the upazila levels and he enriched himself on feed rules, regulation and good farm management practices by this time. Milon is now practicing safe control measures during his farm management like use of separate cloth and shoe, use of foot bath, regular cleaning of feeder, drinker and follow good waste disposal system in his farm. Following good farm management practices and use of vaccine he reduced his farm production cost about Taka 2000-3000 each batche. Milon is now collecting Day Old Chick (DOC ) and Feed from licensed dealers and follow the DLS official’s supervision along with applying good hygienic practices. 

Before use of any medicine and drugs he is now reading carefully the instruction to maintain the withdrawal period properly. In 2019 Milon was declared as a safe poultry farmer by Upazila Livestock Officer through a formal meeting with farmers, dealers and Live Bird Market (LBM) sellers. Milon is now a registered farmer and he maintains good farm management practices. He follows good personal hygiene and never uses antibiotics without DLS supervision.


Though Milonproducse safe poultry he doesn’t get proper price for his safe product due to continuous price fluctuation of DOC, poultry feed and Live poultry. Still Milon runs his farm on credit basis from dealer where he isn’t able to operate his farm management by his own interest.


Regular joint monitoring visit, farmers training and awareness program along with safe poultry sale center should be initiated to inspire others and to get fair price for safe products. Availability of soft loan from local bank especially for small scale poultry farmers can create the scope to avoid dealer credit business.

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