Hand wash setup with soap : Prevention of Coronavirus

Though in this pandemic situation people are going out in the market, but a kind of panic is working in their minds. Again, the family members are also worried about whether he went to the market and got infected with Corona virus. Doctors are talking about washing hands frequently with soap to prevent this virus. Even though everyone washes their hands with soap at home, there is no system to wash the dishes in the market.

Therefore, BeezBistar Foundation and Upazila Consumer Committee of Delduar, Tangail Sadar and Kumarkhali jointly organized for setting up hand washing facilities with soap in front   of the market and pubic palaces in project working areas. A total of 32 markets, have the facilities of the tap water for hand washing and soap arrangement for the safety measurement. An average of 16,000 people, including consumers of chicken, fish and raw markets, are using water traps to wash their hands with soap every day. The chicken sellers are cleaning their hands thoroughly with soap after the handling poultry in market. Every day, the market cleaners are able to return home after washing their hands and face. The hand wash drum has been mostly placed at the entrance of live bird market in the main market so that it can be easily seen by the people. The work of filling the drum with water every few hours is under the supervision of the market committee. When the water runs out, they are filling it again. Beezbistar Foundation is arranging soap.

It’s been found that general people are benefiting a lot from such initiatives of hand washing while maintaining social distance. The main and only one way to prevent this virus is washing hands frequently with soap water. Consumers are feeling emotionally relieved when they come to the market and wash their hands easily. When they go back to the family after shopping, the family members are also getting free from worries. Not only consumers but also shopkeepers and employees are getting safe by washing their hands.

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