Entrepreneurship Development Through Model Poultry Farming

The Concept creating “Model poultry farmer” is one of the main criteria for the IBP on food safety governance in poultry sector project. For attaining this approach, BeezBistar Foundation (BBF) has been working solely with the help of Department of Livestock Services (DLS). Different initiatives have been taken for developing this idea. “Safe Broiler husbandry Information Book” and “Training module poultry value chain” are two of those initiatives. These IEC materials published by BBF in collaboration with DLS. These books helps the farmers to keep track of the safe poultry productivity of their poultry farm.

In all the IBP Food safety project areas, BBF is working to create awareness among the poultry farmers about safe poultry production. Regarding this, the information book can be a tremendous beneficiary factor. The Field staffs of BBF have been distributed this book to the prior selected model poultry farmers. Total of  160 model poultry farmers have been selected in four upazila. In every month, the BBF staffs along with Upazila Consumer Committee (UCC) members go to visit the farms and check the farm information book to check whether the farmers are keeping records properly and if needed, they guide the farmers how to properly use this book. The DLS members also visit the farms to see the activities of the poultry farmers. 

A questionnaire with nine basic questions about safe poultry farm management has been created to survey the condition of farms. The UCC members ask these questions to the farmers while visiting their farms and take notes of their survey. This activity ensures the cleanliness of poultry farms and safe poultry products. The poultry farmers has identified as model farmers who properly follow the poultry production guidelines and maintain farm information book.

As per definition the selected model farmers are going to recognized and rewarded so that other farmers are encouraged to produce safe poultry and benefit from poultry production.

The concept of model poultry farmers have been helping the poultry farmers to produce safe poultry with profit. At the same time the consumers have been getting get safe products at reasonable price.

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