Local ownership through monitoring visit

Upazila Consumer Committee (UCC) have been actively supporting the poultry farmers for developing safe poultry value chain. The UCC regularly visiting the poultry farmers and accordingly providing support including communicating with the DLS, local government institutions for bringing together the government, civil society and poultry farmers to develop partnerships and promote new ways of working that better serve the citizens.
During visit UCC members collected the KPI data asking various KPI related questions. They suggested, “Do not use excess antibiotics and please continue to record the farm record book. It helps to analyze the actual amount your profit and loss.” They also taught the farmers how to calculate FCR properly.
Abul Hannan Molla, a poultry farmer said, “Beezbistar Foundation delivered entry restriction signboards which have been helping to restrict the entry of outsiders. We are now recording our all kind of data in this record book. I also record all the data every day. Your visit and guideline really helping and supporting us.” Others farmers also shared their opinion and they are happy for maintaining the rules and guideline. They said, “Our costs and diseases have decreased. It has increased our profit.”
Md. Nousher Ali Bissash ( UCC Member and UP Chairman of Nandalalpur Union) also visited some others farm such as; Tarif Hossen Polash ( Shadhin), Parvezzaman, Rejaul Islam, Ziaur Rahman, Abul kalam Azad, Shirajul Islam’s farm.
Tarif Hossen Polash, also a farmer said, “Our chairman visited my farm and suggested me to use distinctive cloths and shoes. I have already transferred my farm at other place to increase my farm space. I am now producing poultry through maintaining 10 control measure of food safety .” I am happy to said that I am now easily selling my poultry birds as I am known as a model poultry farm. It is needed to be extended this model by the government and respective related authorities for sustainable safe poultry production.